Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Meaningless Thoughts!!!

A quick funny story, my 4yr, myself and my parents were all in the office and my dad was playing around with the 4yr who was in a mood, and apparently had enough fun. She turns to my mom and says "Grandma your husband is being mean to me!!" I thought I was going to fall off the chair laughing, because it was no longer "Papa" he was grandmas husband.

I am trying a different aspect of things, why not, it is a new year, try new things. So, I am trying to let go more. Not an easy thing to do, but practice makes perfect I guess. Even though I try not to personally communicate with the former spouse, I rather email or page him if at all possible, letting the little things go is getting easier. I have realized most of the battles are not worth my time to fight them. Nothing is going to be accomplished after the dust settles anyways.

Our sermon on Sunday at church was interesting, instead of dwelling on the negative and what all is bothering you all the time, try stopping and thinking about what you have to be thankful for. When you stop and think about it, things to be thankful for usually out way the list that is bothering you.

The bright spot in all my days is seeing the great big smiles on the kids faces, when they have just stated their case to some kind of negotiation for something. Hard to beat a big smile!!


one4JC said...

Are you still hanging in there? How is DivorceCare going?

maynard said...

Yes, I am still hanging around! I didn't realize it had been that long since I posted.

I love my DivorceCare class. We just finished the Anger section, a lot of information I forgot about.

Do you like your class?

one4JC said...

Yes we just did the anger section as well...I didn't realize I was soooooo angry and about all different kinds of things :o) I love it! It has been so helpful yet painful at the same time.