After going with my sister to pick up the birthday cake and lunch, and just getting out for a bit was a nice change of pace. Could be that is was because there was snow on the ground as well, although not enough to go sledding which we usually do for this birthday party. After lunch the presents finally got opened, and an excited 4yr was so happy to get all the stuff she wanted for her Dora Talking House, and mom opened up all the stuff for the kids to play with, they had a blast, I took the house up with me so they could all have fun. My niece was not happy that the house and stuff were not staying there when we left though. So we are all on a mission to get everything for her 4th birthday this summer. Was not an easy task a few weeks ago, but we do not have the time crunch that we had a few weeks ago either.
I finally ask my sister if I could get online to check my email, she has slow dial up as well, so I had to wait to get everything downloaded, so my nerves were not the greatest by then. It was a relieve to just see emails from my friends and not from the ex or his wife. I sent a quick Thank You to someone for chatting with me on Thursday after all the stuff had gone down and it was nice getting a response back. Sometimes I think I am on the wrong track, and it is nice to know that I am not the one on the wrong set of tracks.
If I did not have to run the computer at church on Sunday I do not think I would have gone, which is sad, because I hardly ever miss for a lame excuse like that. And all this still bugs me, people could tell something was up on Sunday at church, but things will get better. I hope they start getting better soon, I am getting tired of the tension headache I have had all weekend and still have today.
This week may be a busy one for me, I have the kids all week because he is out of town on "vacation" so I should not have to worry about him this week. I have to give up a few of my stuff because I have the kids but that is fine with me, we will have a great week this week.
I know I have not forgiven him for much that he has done, and frankly I am not interested in working on that anytime soon. I was hoping to be able to work on it now, but I am going to focus my attention else where for awhile. Believe it or not I have to work on forgiving my younger sister for being stupid, and I am going to work on that right now instead. Someday I will get back to forgiving the ex, so I can fully move on with my life.
You're still doing great.Yes, the high road is nice, and you can be on it and still stand up for yourself!
I replied back to her on Friday and copied him on it. I was tired of her telling me the divorce was my fault. She responded back to me and I got nothing back from him. It all screamed denial, both of them are selfish and in denial of everything. I will heal from this and life will still be good!
Did you start you Divorce Care class yet?
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