Friday, March 03, 2006

Feeling better finally

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I finally ate solid food again last night. I have not been able to eat that much up til then. I finally woke up this morning without a tension like headache which is a good sign. I am on my last day of meds today which is an even better sign. I have to take a snack with one of the meds of life is ugly for awhile, and a few crackers does not cut it. A snack is a peanut butter sandwhich or a half of sleeve of crackers. Great choices when you do not feel like eating at all. I do not have that big of a cough as lots of others do which is good, and I do not think the kids got what I had which is even better. So here is hoping for a good weekend with the kids. They have a church activity on sunday night with their wed. night kids program, and are looking forward to it. Hope everyone gets well, quickly, my doctor told me that what I had, makes you feel like you have the worse cold you ever have had in your life. It is not bad if it has been caught in the first 48hours. I caught mine in the first 24 hrs, and the next 24 hours weren't that special either. But, life is getting back to normal now, finally.

1 comment:

maynard said...

Yes, we are the stronger ones!!