Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Week Gone By...

Another week has gone by, and a quarter of the year has almost passed us as well. Time sure does fly. I am glad to have the girls this weekend. I got a lot accomplished the last two weekends without them, but it is time to get back on schedule. Lots of things planned for this weekend and lots of traveling, but hopefully by Sunday night everyone will have had fun.

The girls have spring fever already, they are ready to be able to play outside all the time. They already have walks and bike rides planned. Of course it has been lightly snowing today. I am not really a spring person, but am looking forward to being outside with them as well.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

one4JC said...

Oh I have Spring Fever and the children at work have it BAD! I want to get out on the scooter and just ride into the sunset...