So, on my way home the other night on a well traveled country road. There was a car coming at me and I caught a quick glance of shadows going in front of the cars headlights. I start to slow down because the deer are pretty thick in that area anyways, and I cannot afford to hit one right now. The other car flashes it lights at me, and I flash mine back to acknowledge that I saw the shadows. I eventually come to a stop because I see more shadows in front of the other car. With about 20 yards between us I realize that the shadows are not deer. At this point, there is 2 draft horses, be boppin down the road at me in my lane, followed by two cows fighting for position in the ditch on my left and bringing up the rear is another horse. This is a small horse that pulls the amish buggies, and this one acted like the class clown of the group. Granted they probably were a bit frighten by the two cars. They just kept going on down the road, with out a care in the world to them.
That story ranks right up with me practically drag racing with 3 draft horses that came out of the field at a full gallup right next to me as I was doing about 55 down a different road. I managed to get my car stopped with out scaring them and before they ran into my path. I am sure hitting a deer would have been much better than hitting 3 draft horses.
Waita keep your wits about you so you stayed safe! I have had deer casually stoll down the middle of the road refusing to share, but never farm animals. They must have been on a "road" trip (as opposed to a "field" trip).
I understand this having been raised in this general area of our great state but it is still a very FUNNY to me nonetheless.
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