My sisters birthday was yesterday, the sister I do not speak to that much. I am not sure I even wished her a happy birthday. Mom and dad took her out to dinner, and they asked the sprouts and I to go along so we did. My sister asked if she could ride with me, and I said sure. Guess that was her birthday present from me :) Dinner could have been better. The food was fine the service sucked though. It was just the waitress that we ended up having that sucked. The sprouts wanted them to sing to my sister and this waitress did nothing about it. The sprouts heard them sing to someone else and that really made them mad that they were not going to sing to our table. My sister really didn't mind it though.
Well, off to fight a headache and get the sprouts going this morning. I will also be holding my breath on an answer from the ex in regards to picking up a sprout on Wed. for me, that I asked him about last week. Wait, I will not be holding my breath. I will pass out if I did that. I already have a back up plan in place.
I don't know much about bowling as I don't partake my self (because I can't stand the idea of people looking at my butt when I go up to the lane..Isn't that stupid?), but it sounds like you and your team did great. Congrates.
Waita be a mom and have a back-up plan for Wednesday. As I am developing simular back-up plans, spur of the moment to rescue my youngest, I always say to her, "Do you ever wonder what you would do without me?" She is so sweet, that she always says something to the tune of knowing she couldn't get along at all without me. Smart girl!
I have always had to have a back up plan even before I was divorced. Nothing like keeping track of 3-4 schedules and a back up plan for each one as well. Sucks to be organized at times. This new weather we are getting is going to make my schedule planning even more interesting. As much as I miss the snow this is the wrong week for it, for me at least. I know some of you may be shocked at that. :)
Happy Valentines day Maynard! I hope today is exactly what it needs to be to make you feel loved!
I also hope your day comes together as planned since you did indeed get the snow they were predicting. Or maybe you should just say "screw it" to everything you NEED to do and just hang out makeing snow angels and drinking hot chocolate with the girls all day long.
Happy Valentines Day to you as well. We were graced with 9.5" of snow. I was up at 4am clearing out my drive way and side walks. The old fashion way, no blower for me. Since to girls are with their dad. I went to work today. Hard to call in when you live in town.
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