Monday, August 14, 2006

Awesome Weekend!

I had to fill in for my twin sister in her spouses company golf outing this weekend. She is expecting and due anytime, doctor says she is at 2cm today. A good time was had by all, at least for the 4 of us that made up our team. We took first place! Mind you my brother-in-law and I, and sister have golfed in tournaments before mostly just for fun. Anytime we can get out on the course is a good thing for us, so we really do not care how we do. He came in last place last year, and maybe the year before that, so first place is awesome for us. We were hooked up with his plant manager, and a sales rep. for one of the vendors. The sales rep is a competitive guy, but that did not bother either of us since we had only been able to make it out once so far this year. We rolled right along all day and it truly was a team effort. Everyone contributed off the tee at different times, and we all made putts and some point as well. When all was done we shot a 12 under, and that was good enough for first place by 3 shots I believe. We received 2 rounds of golf at a nice course near Detroit some where. Another road trip for me, but always a good road trip if golf is involved.

I won free gas for getting closest to the pin on one of the holes for the women. That was cool since I was the first name on the list. It was pretty close and we were shooting over a huge pond which was the courses signature hole. That paid for my gas up there.

I even got a door prize, everyone received a door prize.

The down side to the weekend, was that it took me 3 hours to get to my sisters when it normally takes 2hours or less. I got onto 96 and came to a crawl so I got off, I knew there was construction coming up and I knew there was another major road that ran parallel to 96 not far away, so I headed for that road. Thanks, to cell phones my mom helped me find the road I needed, with no problems. After a bit I got back on 96 to go about 1/2 mile and be at a crawl again, for what reason I have no idea but after about 4 miles of it, I got off and went back to the other road for the rest of my trip which took me to where I would have gotten off 96 anyways. That was a fun and exciting time.....NOT! I left work early to arrive at the same time I would have if I didn't leave early. And there is nothing like a 4yr back seat driver telling me where I can get off the highway to go faster and take a "shortcut" to make your evening.

We did arrive safely, and you cannot ask for more than that.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I-96 in the summer is a monster. One thing I do not miss about living in the Great Lakes State.

The ability to go Up North at any given moment is a whole 'nother story. It's nice there, although Tennessee has some nice scenery of its own. But no cool, lake breezes!