Well here are some pumpkins for this year.

The University of Michigan Pumpkin

The University of Texas Pumpkin

The Oklahoma State University Pumpkin
The Happy one was done by my 8yr sprout, the other is my 5yr sprouts. The white dots are clear pegs that let light shine through for a added effect.

This is my pumpkin for this year.
I still have two more university logos to do. All the university logo pumpkins have been given away as gifts. Hopefully I will get a picture of one of my stainglass pumpkins as well soon.
A spooky story sort of. I had a online friend that I talked to long before my marriage went south. I have not talked to this person for some time most of the summer and on and off before then. She just kept making me mad a lot, and I did not want to put up with it anymore. I did some digging and some thinking and I think that this person is my ex's now wife, former other woman before the divorce. I could always count on this person trying to chat with me a day or two after something controversial may have happen between my ex and myself. Sure enough something might have depending on how you look at things.
This past Tuesday there was a major fire in my city, and the former spouse is a firefighter. Although he was not on duty the day of the big fire, it was an all call for pretty much every firefighter in the county. I could see the column of smoke billowing from my office window. Turns out I was less that a mile from the fire. The fire started around 10am, and it was not suppose to be my night to have the sprouts. I did start to wonder if he was at the fire and if they would be done in time for him to pick them up for their swim lessons later that evening. I did not call him to find out. I just waited to see what he would do.
He did call me at work around 3pm to let me know that there was a big fire today and that he probably would not be able to get the sprouts in time for their lessons and could I possibly do it. I wondered where his wife was because she usually takes care of the sprouts for him most of the time anyways, but was glad he asked me. I returned his call and told him that I would take the sprouts to their lessons but that I would have to leave at 6:30 because I had a meeting at 7.
He thought that would be doable. SO I began to figure out how I was going to get all their swim stuff around in time and go pick them up and head to swimming in the half hour I have from the time I leave work to the time swimming starts. I knew where on suit was at home I had no idea where the other one had a suit at. I figure the suit would not have a matching top and bottom, but I found a one piece that fit and grabbed two towels and out the door I went. When I stopped by the house to pick up the stuff the fire alarm went off again for a potentially large fire again at a different location. I was thinking now there is no way I am going to make my meeting.
He left a message on my phone when I was picking up the swim stuff to make sure that the oldest got to her lesson and put the youngest in the child care. They have different lesson times. I got the impression that I could leave after I did that and that he would be there to pick them up. I called him back and left a message on his phone telling him that I was not leaving the sprouts until either he or his wife showed up. He called me back and told me that he would be there before 7 but probably would be after 6:30.
He did show up just before 7, I got their stuff out of my car, and gave it to him. He got the youngest out of child care, and I helped the oldest get dressed since her clothes were in the ladies locker room anyways. He and I chatted a few minutes about the next two weeks schedule and we went on our separate ways.
Yes, I was late to my meeting, but I was not mad about it. Anyways my friend contacts me on Wed which I expected because she always did that. I finally told her who I thought she really was. The only way to clear this up was to meet face to face. I have offered that before and she has backed out of it. So I let her pick the date and time, and I agreed to both, especially since it was going to be on a weekend that they were going to be on vacation. She played the did I get booted routine when it came to the location. SO the location has still yet to be determined. She says she sent me offline messages on the location, but the only offline messages I have gotten from her was the one where she tells me she sent me offline messages. So will see what happens in the next few days.
What a tangled web you weave when you try to deceive.
The next few days should be interesting.