March was a great month this year. This year for spring break I took the sprouts to see the big mouse in Florida with my parents and my twin sister and her family. Everyone had a great time. The sprouts had no idea where they were going until we were in the car on our way south. We have all been planning this trip for over a year and managed to keep it a secret the whole time. I will have to admit it was hard towards the end because I was ready for the vacation. A week in the sun, no rain, no snow. Everyone had a great time.
April has brought an end to the swim lessons this year to make room for softball. Should be an interesting year for the sprouts in softball. My oldest realizes that she gets to run the bases if she gets hit by the ball. I will have to admit that is not my theory on the game, and I would bet that she will change her mind after a few times.
I am waiting for the washer to arrive. There is nothing like having to figure out when to get your laundry done when your washer is beyond repair. I cannot wait to have a working one back in the house. I still have to replace my furnace and air conditioner, and water heater yet. The furnace will not make it through next winter, it barely made it through this year. The air went out last summer, and I am hoping not to have to do that again this year as well. As for the water heater, I am hoping the small leak stays that way until I can get a new one.
Bowling has been going well this year. My team won our league. We did well in the city tournament. I did well in the state tournament so far, I have one more week before I will know the final results of the state tournament. The national tournament is coming up in May. I am hoping to do well there, but just to have fun will be great as well. I think my sister and I are going to bowl in a new tournament together also. We have wanted to get in this one for the last few years, but just could not manage to schedule it in.
I have been helping a friend with some stainglass coasters that she wanted to make. Making stainglass suncatchers is not the easiest thing to do in stainglass. This has been a challenge, teaching her how to work with the glass and having it be such small pieces. I design one of the patterns for her. Hopefully I will get pictures of them when they are complete for all to see.
I hope everyone is having a great year so far.
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