Monday, January 07, 2008

Hey I am still Here......

What a busy Holiday season it has been. I have attended three family Christmas gatherings, been through Two snow storms of over 9+ inches of snow, and one New Years Eve gathering. Not to bad, now I just have to get back to normal live. I have managed to get the tree down, now I need to get it put away. I traded trees with my sister after the holiday season.

Biggest surprise I got for Christmas was from my ex. He is giving me a load of wood to burn for the winter, as soon as I run out of the load I just got in November. It is a nice offering from him I will have to admit. They own a firewood place of business. He owns his own heating and air conditioning business as well and charges me for that when he works on my furnace and air conditioner. Go figure that one out!

I hope everyone is having a great new year!

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