Monday, December 11, 2006

The Christmas Program

The childrens Christmas program at our church was yesterday afternoon. The kids have been working on this program since before Thanksgiving. I had to ask the sprouts dad if they can be in the program because it was going to fall on his weekend. He did not have a problem with them being in the program. I had recently asked him if I could have them all day yesterday so that they could attend church in the morning which would be their final practice as well before the program in the afternoon, since they would not be able to attend the dress rehearsal the day before because he had things planned for the sprouts. He agreed to let me have them and I offered to trade a day with him as well for that time, and he took me up on that. This whole time I was assuming that he was not going to attend because he made no effort to take the sprouts to the program and he traded the day for me. He also had never attended a church program the sprouts have been in either. I did ask him in email to reconsider he attendance to the program this year. The oldest is excited about her part in the program as she had three speaking parts this year. I got no response and left it at that.

I picked up the sprouts from his house yesterday morning and he had no mention of showing up. The sprouts had their hair all done up and ready to go. I asked them if they knew if their dad was going to come to the program and they said that they wanted to but didn't think so because they thought I would get made at them coming to the program. I told the sprouts that I would not get mad, that I kind of have been trying to get them to come as well. The oldest wanted to call them to ask them to come. We tried three different phone numbers and left messages on all three numbers. He called me a short time later as we are getting ready to head to the church. He wanted to know what time it started, because he was at the church already. I was surprised at that, but glad he was there. I guess putting the time on the calendar that we use together for the sprouts events was worth putting it in a half hour early.

So, all went well. He even brought his parents to the program as well, which really surprised me. I could tell when the sprouts spotted their dad in the crowd because they got a big smile on their face, and even did the sneaky wave to him as well.

He and had chatted briefly and it was a pleasant conversation at that. There was a few awkward moments with his wife and I passing at times, but everything went well. I am just really glad that he decided to come to the program.

1 comment:

Patty said...

You are a REALLY good mom, and taught your children a lot about love and forgivness with your attitude about the Christmas program. I know from past experience that it is not easy being around the new wife, but it sounds like you handled it with grace and dignity. Good job!