Yes, I am still around!!! :) I have survived a long spring break week. The kids and I went to Cabelas on Monday of Spring Break, it is and outfitters kind of store. They have live fish in streams and ponds that run through out the store. The kids got to help feed the fish. They also have lots of stuffed game through out the store as well. We stopped on the way home to visit the Easter bunny then on to grandmas house for the rest of the evening. I did not have any vacation to use per se so I had to go into work until 1 am while grandma watched the kids. I went back to spend the remaining evening/morning and grandmas when I was done working. LONG DAY! I went back to work my normal 8-5 hours on Tuesday. The kids went to their dads Tuesday night for his week night, I went to bowling at 6 then back to work until 1 again. On Wednesday I was back to work at 8 and worked to around 9pm, while my mom picked up the kids for me so I could work over again. I headed back to moms for the evening after work. On Thursday we all went to the Zoo and had a great time. The weather was beautiful, not a big crowd, the kids loved it. I had a divorce class later that evening, so the kids stayed with my mom while I was at class, and we spent the night there again. The next morning we got up and headed back to town for me to work normal hours again on Friday. It is a half hour drive one way to my moms house. A long spring break but a nice spring break for the kids. The kids father was leaving on vacation out of town on that Friday, for 2 weeks. I had to call him to get some information on some of the kids stuff that he signed them up for and I have to take them to. He apparently called the kids at daycare on his way out of town, on Friday. I am going on week 2 right now of having the kids without their father around. So far, they are doing pretty well with it. I was not sure how they would do. It has been stressful at times and trying to finish up my commitments this month has been a challenge, but has gone pretty well. I have a great daycare person, and she has helped me out quite a bit along with my parents.
As far and the 2 years goes. It has almost been 2 years ago that I filed for a divorce. Nope I do not have any regrets about it now either. I have finally started to get back on track on alot of things. My office at work turned into a diaster area for those years, and that really annoyed me. I hated the clutter but just did not have what it took to fix it either. This year a customer came to visit, and that forced me to clean up a bit. I had stacks and stacks of papers to be entered into a database and filed. I have wittled that down by half, and yep I filed papers from 2 years ago. I am working now on the other half of the papers. Realistically it will take about 2 weeks to get done, but I will get it done now. I have had a couple of people say I seem more relaxed now and back to my old self. Doubt it is my exact old self, but I seem not to care about alot of little things anymore. I am better at getting to the stuff that really matters and letting the rest go.