This was the first year I tried my hand at carving a pumpkin. Let me tell you that is a lot of work put they truly are very cool when you light them up. The university of Texas one took me about 6 hours to do. I did the Ohio State Buckeye first, that is why he does not look that good. I am not an OSU fan, but some in my family are, by marriage I might add. The Notre Dame one is my favorite. I gave the Texas one to my pastor at church. He is an alum and now works in Michigan, so I thought that would be fun to give him that. I actually carved 7 pumpkins that weekend on top of the three I carved the weekend before with my sprouts. We put a float in the Halloween parade in town so the pumpkins were actually for the float. My hand was so sore and I had a blister on the side of one of my fingers. It was a good thing I did not have to bowl on Halloween. I would have never gotten my finger into the bowl let alone pull it out to release the ball. I could not even write correctly the rest of the week. That was entertaining enough
On Wednesday afternoon, I had a meet and greet with my lawyer and my former spouse and his lawyer to hash out some things that I have been trying to get hashed out since August. Let's just say a root canal would have more exciting. I finally made a proposal and am waiting to hear if he accepts it.
I finally got to my leaves that were in my yard this weekend. I started on them Friday night. The sprouts helped me with them on Saturday. Actually they played in them on Saturday. The pile was taller than they were. There was a Grand Am parked on the street next to the pile of leaves and you could not see the car at one point.
Hope you don't have to wait for Hell to freeze over to hear back about your proposal. Waiting for the unknown is angonizing!
When I was first single (really, all the time I was single) I had a had time managing both the inside and the outside of our home, so every spring and fall the house work would go to pieces as I tried to maintain the yard. Good job on kicking the leaves to the curb!
I will hear back by December 5th or the Judge will decide for him then. Nothing like having to wait three more weeks before hearing back.
I am now concentrating on the inside of my house again.
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